Monday, July 11, 2016

Vocabulary Memory: Esteem; noun

noun: esteem
  1. 1.
    respect and admiration, typically for a person.
    "he was held in high esteem by colleagues"
verb: esteem; 3rd person present: esteems; past tense: esteemed; past participle: esteemed; gerund or present participle: esteeming
  1. 1.
    respect and admire.
    "many of these qualities are esteemed by managers"
    • formal
      consider; deem.
      "I should esteem it a favor if you could speak to them"
Middle English (as a noun in the sense ‘worth, reputation’): from Old French estime (noun), estimer (verb), from Latin aestimare ‘to estimate.’ The verb was originally in the Latin sense, also ‘appraise’ (compare with estimate), used figuratively to mean ‘assess the merit of.’ Current senses date from the 16th century.
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Monday, June 27, 2016

One of the Hardest Internet Challenge: What Do You See?

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. An image found on the internet of a drawing has gone viral! Before we tell you what is the image actually is, take a stare at it. You will eventually find what is going on."
Grant V: "Man, Earthling drawings are so hard to identify!" IV: "Okay, okay. I can guess what you're doing. You are probably going to ponder on this image for hours and hours to come. GRANT!"

(sees Grant drooling while staring to this image. He faints)

Marshall IV: "Oh brother. Okay, this is an internet illusion that I figured out in 10 minutes. Grant will tell you a popular answer of it below. Also, be warned. Spoiler alert! Below! So go ahead and daze on this first before being revealed. Those who already figured it out, tell us in the speeches (comments)."

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Vocabulary Memory: Qualm; Noun

noun: qualm; plural noun: qualms
  1. an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear, especially about one's own conduct; a misgiving.
    "military regimes generally have no qualms about controlling the press"
    synonyms:misgivings, doubts, reservations, second thoughts, worries, concerns, anxiety; More
    scruples, remorse, compunction
    "I have no qualms about overseas travel"
    • a momentary faint or sick feeling.
early 16th century (in the sense ‘momentary sick feeling’): perhaps related to Old English cw(e)alm ‘pain,’ of Germanic origin.
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Pop Quiz Wednesday

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. Today, Grant and I got some different kind of pop quiz. It is no country, neither is it a singer, na-ah voice actors, it is a province."

Grant V: "I still am trying to figure out your level of intelligence! So let's get down to it!"

Marshall IV: "Now this, my fellow Earthlings, is a province. Let's get to our first hint!"

Grant V: "Hint number one, it is in Asia, a country's province."

Marshall IV: "Two, it borders Cambodia and Vietnam (the rest of the borders are not getting told)."

Grant V: "Number three, the towns are below."

Marshall IV: "Number four, it is located in the center of the country."

Grant V: "And number five, is gone. We want to make it a little tricky for you guys. We are not even going to tell you where is it from (the

Friday, June 10, 2016

All That Glitters

"All That Glitters" is a life-year-passing-age series shown from the perspective of Rebecca, as she lives her years to find a missing member of her family but soon discovers a whole lot more.

Rebecca lives in a planet called Flaych. Her family mainly does love her, she never realized it and always think that she is talking to strangers. Only the friends she met is her family.

Vocabulary Memory: Xylem; noun

noun Botany
noun: xylem
  1. the vascular tissue in plants that conducts water and dissolved nutrients upward from the root and also helps to form the woody element in the stem.
late 19th century: from Greek xulon ‘wood’ + the passive suffix -ēma .
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