Thursday, May 5, 2016

He'Nil - 8700 Years

He'Nil is a protagonist in 8700 Years. The creator of him is claimed Fire-Corocster (a.k.a Reinalds).

He'Nil has been serving Reinalds for over 300 years. He is currently 310 years created.

He lives in the planet Gyuenike, and is indeed bilingual. He was created in Dro Hinkins.




He'Nil has a rusted green circle-based body with four spider-like legs with bolts in between. His lifespan is 001-280.

On his back has a long black stripe with a stitched and ripped tissues two hold his bolts firmly.

His eyes were brown, small, and short sighted. It was mainly rusty. It was hard for the little fella to see. Reinalds had deeply stitched one eye, so it became nearly blind.

On his forehead, is his life thermometer, which signals a color throughout the weather or situation. Example, is when he is in a dessert, it strikes on red (shown as the picture), in cold places it drains to blue and in a normal weather, all three colors including yellow in the middle.



He'Nil becomes slightly bigger and he been upgraded to a proper color of green. his thermometer was built bigger, which expanded his lifespan (001-400). His legs are disconnected and shorter, which makes it easier for He'Nil to move around. He only has a backdoor hinge on his back secured by two bolts. The ripped tissues are gone, which Reinalds replaced with a pink tail.

Reinalds rebuilt his eye functions and made his eyes can see well, but still short-sighted. His eyes and mouth is glowing and his left eye recovered.



He is very loyal to his master and tries to do his best performance as soon as possible. He hates to displease anyone he serves. He is normally indoors, as in, Reinalds told him that when he is in his pre-stage, he called him a "no-fence robo mind".

Even, sometimes he gets out but it normally leads him to trouble. He is usually a coward because he is harmless. Previously, his hands changes to random things, but after he was firmly fixed, he is normal. He likes to be complemented and he normally overworks himself. Every time people talk about death or replacements, he always want to never exist.



He'Nil is a robot made out of corba-phorma resources, found in the planet Ytuna. Also, Reinalds's home planet, as he picked up many ores with it creating He'Nil, of Reinalds knowing that the limit of others growing has ended. He'Nil knows he was built with a good body source, but as being told to take place after Reinalds turn 8700 and vanish. He'Nil knows he is unable to fight, as he is only 1423. But he also knows that his master is very old, and he needs to help in as he created him. He decided to do as such, but also having bitter thoughts of him and his master.

He lives as a servant, currently, always obeying his master's orders and doing it in a rush. He normally does things well, but he is a coward.




When he was first created out of long-timely mined corba-phorma that Reinalds had kept for an extremely long time where he found in the planet Comemikie. He'Nil's left eye was nearly blind. The poor little fellow was short-sighted, which made an obstacle for it to see. He'Nil was demanded to serve his orders. He tried his best to work for him, as he was grateful to be existed.

The next day, his right back hind leg started malfunctioning and soon stopped working. Reinalds never notice that his leg was not moving, as he hides and not often anyone notices because he is indoors almost always. He thought that Reinalds would be furious if he broke his own parts.

He kept it a secret for nearly 122 years. He was unnoticed to be locked in his own room, accidentally, when he wanted to hide his leg by Reinalds. He soon was freed when Reinalds attempted to find He'Nil and succeeded.


After freed, his nearly 132. He was happy to be finally unlocked, as he has no flight capability which can boost him to break out. After that day, he served more finely towards Reinalds, more quicker and more tidier. Later, when he went upon Reinalds feet, Reinalds told him that the reason why he created He'Nil was not for his serving purpose, and said that once he strikes the age 8550, he will take his place and make massive damage. He also revealed that the thermometer on his head keeps track on his temperature, yes, and his life spend which was for 290 years. At this point, He'Nil regretted to be created.

Reinalds often talk about this, and He'Nil is afraid to answer, so he always stands up straight and listens him closely. The next day, He'Nil had a dream where his master (Reinalds) dies and he had to take place. The shout of Norris outside gave him a fright and he logged on.

He'Nil then wanted to observe other lives and species of other living beings. It was his chance. The door was slightly opened. He used his left forward spider leg to open it a bit more. He sticked his good eye out and saw Norris with her best friend, Kia.

He watched them closely as they started to play a little finding game. He observed them really well and found that it was fun to watch, and what funner would it be while playing? His good eye started flashing and soon, shut down. He was blind! Poor He'Nil went back inside the shed and started bumping cupboards and shelves. There, Reinalds was watching him. He asked was there a problem. Now, He'Nil is scared of risking his life on getting wrecked or injured. He replied 'no' and Reinalds left. He'Nil went out of the shed and went towards Norris and Kia.

Kia was alarmed to find how broken and rusty He'Nil looks, and he told them that was about 133 years created. Norris assured does she really means that, as to her point of view, He'nil is cute. He'Nil sat down still as Norris walked towards him. She asked him if she can help him with any upgrades, body checks or whatsoever. He'Nil told that his eyes are completely blind. His memory was there, he could only imagine what was happening. Norris said that she will go to her closest friend which can set his bolts freely off. He agreed.

Now, it is dark evening, Norris set off with her friend, Uvenlii. Norris asked Uvenlii if she knew the road towards Dro Hinkins earlier, and she said 'yes'. He'Nil heard this, knowing that he was created in Dro Hinkins, he happily was carried there in the hands of Norris.

Norris, He'Nil and Uvenlii arrived there, and Uvenlii wished them good luck and left. He'Nil was warmth by the body heat of Norris, as she is from a hot area. A few minutes later, he fell asleep.

He'Nil instantly woke up when he started buzzing. His leg was loose and it was coming out slowly. He told Norris they must hurry. Norris was tired and stopped for a while after 5 minutes. She stopped by a popular forest in Dro Hinkins. There, they encountered a person named Skye. Norris started asking him directions. He'Nil was sad, having bad thoughts about Reinalds and him. He thought something wrong may happen! He started crawling away but he got stepped on by his long spider leg. He looked up and saw too people with helmets on a Remicycle. They drove away with him, which Norris and Skye spotted after they finished their conversation. That's enough for this robot!

( 133-180)


He'Nil fell into a 4 year coma. As soon as he woke up, he saw he was refreshed and he can see. His eyes are greatly functioning and fixed to perfection. He is smooth now, and painted freshly green. His thermometer is fixed from the cracks and steam puffing out. His spider legs are chopped off and replaced with four working hovering legs. His eyes are still short-sighted and he lost the ability to morph into random objects with his limbs, but He'Nil does not know that. He is completely hopeless in battles.

He was happy, he was repaired. He admired himself for a short while. His legs and eyes were the main problem from his body. He went up and he was on a white small bed with a hard white pillow. He went up and looked around. This is not his place.

He was claimed to be into his pre-stage. His life bar is expanded to the capacity of 450 years. He started walking to a 50 feet long hallway. There, he saw many doors. After roughly 25 feet of walking he took a break at a purple cell door. He rest his back against the wall next to it. When he was about to sleep, suddenly he heard creepy voices quarreling to each other. They kept on babbling to each other and he heard many female whispers. This leads him to being afraid, but on the other hand, he is curious too.

He went to a chamber cell and opened it with his hand. There, he got pulled in. Nobody knew what happen to him


After Reinalds is nearly 7890, he was searching for He'Nil which he lost his worry for in 73 years. He knew that he may had injured himself or done something wrong or stupid. He started flying around his home planet, Gyuenike and search around, talking to everyone in his home world language, nobody could had tell.

He started flying to galaxy, to planet, to area, to city. He was not there. Soon, a civilian from Hungkienes named Gorhani lodged a report. The news regards He'Nil, where he is stuck in a planet far, far away from a normal planet. Reinalds was destined to find him. He set off, but Norris said he knows He'Nil. She met him the other day, and offers her assistance. Reinalds does not care and flies away without her. She called out and he straightly flew to the planet. At this point, He'Nil was captured until he is 180 years created.



After many years, Reinalds had been travelling around the planets over and over again. He was roaming around the Agliance Galaxy to the Drophinghiga Galaxy. He desperately needs some rest, but his mind-set keeps him awake until he finds He'Nil.

After 19 years, he found a lost planet away from the galaxies, sunshine and planets, and it awkwardly shapes like a cross with two flower petals sticking out. He entered it and fainted.

The next day, he too was transferred to a chamber locked with invincible cells. On the other side, He'Nil is in the other chamber. He is sad and nearly 210. He is thinking how worried can his master be. He is locked up in green sharp vines connected to the walls. He is in despair and begging please to get out, and live a normal life. He, again wishes he does not exist.

He started crying there, he earlier realized that his body is no more to making tech or weaponry, but it is in good condition.

Reinalds is desperate to get out, and tries heating up the cells with all his power many times and all had fail. Could this be the end of He'Nil's chapter?


Norris, on the other hand, had been following Reinalds with her friend Elizemor in a Comet Mechaneer 12V. She has too been lost in many galaxies, but she is full of energy because her space ship has a resting zone. She flies to the case. She flew to the lost planet and took a MorXX. She dialed to find He'Nil, as the day she found him, she got a wreck of his chip, which caused his  malfunctioning to defect him.
She tracked him and ended up to the same imprisonment area. She and Elizemor walked around and saw many soldiers. Elizemor told her to stay put as she turned to her bubble form and float highly to the sky. She pounced down and grabbed one of the soldiers neck and started strangling him. As she was strangling, she called Norris and she took down the nearest guard. Now, two more were left and they fought each. They heard the sound of He'Nil's sweet little voice and went to that cell. There, they can see a lot of creepy prisoners in there. They decided to bust in.

He'Nil was found at last! He was so grateful! Norris saw some soldiers in there guarding him over 30 years. He'Nil did knew he could not combat and so he did what was told, and tried to please them. Elizemor started freeing He'Nil from the vines but the vines were active and started attacking. WHAM! As it smacked He'Nil and Elizemor. At last, He'Nil was smacked out of the vines and started walking backwards. The vines started spinning, creating a portal which spits out Reinalds. Reinalds went up and took He'Nil. He looks at Norris and Elizemor and smiles. He flies up and flies away while telling them get lost on your way back home. He ended as 224.



After Reinalds and He'Nil travelled back, things went back as usual. Reinalds treat He'Nil with more respect and went less rough on him and He'Nil served him better and loved him more. He'Nil was grateful after this day.

He is now roughly 256 when he is improving himself. He knows he wants to reach the limits. He started thinking back off everything Reinalds told him before. Remembering of Reinalds retirement, he tried to appreciate as much as he can. From this day forth, he swore to himself he will not bring himself to mischief ever again.

Powers And Abilities


Before he was upgraded to his pre-stage, he was capable of morphing his hand to random objects or tools, because his wires behind his hinge back door was tangled, loose and in the wrong slot.

Now, he lost his former abilities. He has enhanced speed and he is fast at drifting. He can switch on his mouth light but the brightness is quite little.



He'Nil has a short-eyesight so he cannot see what is coming at him. Before he was upgraded, it was often for him to malfunction, which makes it hard for him to live. His spider legs is difficult to support on. Now, He'Nil is harmless and not strong at all.

He is very vulnerable to every attack and he will not fight. He will try to slave then die so it is easy to bring him to a different side, if your threaten is big and convincing enough.

List of Appearances

  • My Achievement, Completed: Part 1
  • My Achievement, Completed: Part 2
  • Not Finished Thinking
  • The Dungeon Of Cries and Misery: Part 1
  • The Dungeon Of Cries and Misery: Part 2
  • Return He'Nil
  • Fight For Life
  • Curiosity Kills The He'Nil
  • Loyalty Stands Strong
  • Picnic and the Cricked (cameo)

  • Trivia

    • He'Nil is the first working robot created in Dro Hinkins
    • He'Nil in his first-stage has no looking-up motion
    • Every time He'Nil falls asleep is when his batteries are drained, but if he does not sleep, he will shut down forever

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