Friday, June 10, 2016

How to Rename Your Blog

Marshall IV: "Greetings, me and my cousin is going to tell you how to rename your blog. Such as this one but, we're happy."
Grant V: "Prepare to get a mind blowing experience!"
Marshall IV: "Grant... Oh well, let's begin! For reference, look at the images and the captions."

Step 1: Open up blogger

Step 2: Open settings, the tool with a wrench logo on the sidebar
Step 3: Click on the edit button next to the title, above description

Step 4: Change the title into anything you want. When finished save changes. View your site and your blog name has changed (If you want, you can change the URL)
Marshall IV: We hope that you enjoyed our tutorial!"
Grant V: I feel smarter than ever! I can process much better to this blog now!
Marshall IV: "Farewell kingdom. (Looks at Grant evil laughing. Facepalms) This is Grant V and Marshall Iv signing out!"

Peace y'all!

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