Thursday, March 17, 2016

Foodie Wonderland: Durian

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. Back to me and my ancestor, Grant V, today we are travelling beyond countries and exploring about the king of the fruits. Look at the image below."


"King of the... fruits? Do any one of you know what it is? Ah yes, the durian. Most common in the place we like to call, Malaysia. Had anyone of you Earthlings ever tasted the mouth watering flavor of this delicious fruit? It may taste quite bad too some of you guys, so if that happens, you can buy the dark orange colored. Back to you, Ashley." Thank you, Marshall.

Now, there are many type of this scrumptious fruit, which you guys must think they are extraordinary shapes. Look at the types of durians below.

Durian Types

 These are the types of durians. Some of them resemble other types of fruits such as a cherry, a pear and a jack fruit. There are also Sabah durian types. For reference, look at the image below.

Sabah Durians
They come in three colors which are red, orange and yellow. Also, they are different then common durians because of them having an extra pointy spiky coat.

Grant V: "I so want Sabah durians now!"
Marshall IV: "Are you sure? It stung my hands for two days!"

Yes, yes. Anyways, I would advise you to not choose the white ones as in they are still young and not tasty.

Warning: Be careful when you want to open these. While you want to chop it, wear a glove or hold a spike and not touch it.

Message from ™ The World Industries 2016.

Marshall IV: "Now, durian does not sound as bad as it seems, right Grant? GRANT!"
Grant V: "Aw, aw, oh boy! This thing stinks!"
Marshall IV: "(sighs) Oh.... brother! Well this is the end, and remember kids, never attempt to eat the skin of a durian. Farewell Earthlings! Don't be like Grant."
Grant: "The World with Grant and Marshall, over and out!"

Peace y'all!

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