Thursday, March 17, 2016

Introducing you to The World

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. My name is Marshall IV and my interminable unmemorable ancestor, Grant V. Kneel before your higher intellects as we are aliens. Our narrator is named Ashley Winston. We are from one of the coldest planets in your solar system, Neptune.

The World is for you to figure out the countries, the states/provinces, the towns, areas, news and loads more. Sounds like a blast, correct? Below is the list of events:

Pop Quiz Week: Pop Quiz Week is the day in a random day of the week where you have to figure out what type of country is that. Clues will be given, and it will be extremely exciting. You have to tell your answers in the comments below. You can receive three quizzes!

Revision Occasion: Every time it is a special occasion such as Halloween or Christmas, we will give a banner with a new look every single year. We will also revise on what is it about and burst out with comments of what we think about it.

Foodie Wonderland: All around the world, the are variety of dishes. It will tell the place it is populated in and created in.

Vacation Time!: This event is the perfect way for you to take your loved ones, friends and relatives as we are going to tell you where is the most popular places in some places.

Tutorial Listen Close-Ial: Are we trying to make it rhyme? Yes, yes we are. You will learn how to do some stuff.

Fictional Galaxy: Learn loads new characters produced by The World.

Vocabulary Memory: Learn new vocabulary, and definitions, origins and the Latin history.

Sounds like loads of fun, am I right? So let us start our journey, mate!

Marshall IV: "Well that is all you need to know about us today. Farewell Earthlings." 
Grant V: "Marshall and Grant, over and out!

Peace y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings, Earthlings! I hope that you will enjoy our blog! :)
