Friday, April 15, 2016

Pop Quiz Saturday

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. Today, we are having a Pop Quiz on Saturday! I discussed it with Grant, but he will be more iconic with a hat. The image given will have none."
Grant V: "And I wanna see who can guess it!"
Marshall IV: "Let us make a move on, shall we."

Marshall IV: "Your first hint shall be that this man is a singer which won and was nominated for many awards."
Grant V: "Your second hint is that his birthday is on June 23rd 1977."
Marshall IV: "Your third hint is that he has sold over seven million albums!"
Grant V: "Your fourth hint is that he was engaged with Tristan Prettyman, his close friend..."

Marshall IV: "...But at Christmas Eve he broke up! And replaced her with his secret marriage that he launched on October 25, 2016 with his new girlfriend Christina "Tina" Carano, in a post on Facebook! And finally, your fifth hint is..."
Grant V: "His latest album is called Yes! Now can you figure out who is this man? Whoever finds out first is the smartest out of anyone!"
Marshall IV: "Yes, yes, yes! Farewell kingdom, and we hope you figure out who is this wonderful man named."
Grant V: "This is Marshall IV and Grant V over and out!"

Peace y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Marshall IV: "Can you guess who is this man named? Try figuring out and we will test out how many clever Earthlings lives on this planet!"
