Thursday, May 5, 2016

Fred - Crackin' Up

Fred is the main protagonist in Crackin' Up. He lives with his brother, his mother and his grandpa.

Fred is the bigger brother of Kenny, his brother. They live in a place called Vitamin ABC. It is often for Fred to visit his neighbors, such as Teddy Bear and Jack-In-The-Box or Willie and Mack.



Fred is an egg-shaped base body with black four-fingered hands and two black legs.

He has black eyes and his egg shell is his skin, which can be cracked.



Fred is sometimes lazy and stubborn to study, but more initiative then his brother. He is more polite
then his brother and is willing to risk.

He likes to be social to his neighbors and family. He has a good relationship between his relatives such as Mama Delilah and Kenny.

Often, he would visit his Grandpa Chad. He has a crush on a peanut friend named Peany. He is also ignorant in math and science. He mainly listens and likes to joke around sometimes, especially with his friends and brother. He likes to do things together, and he has nyctophobia (also known as the fear of the dark). He does not like to clean up his room, likes to mess around and mainly, he likes to follow what his younger brother does.



Fred lives in a house which has 4 rooms and 1 bathroom. He lives with his brother and his mother. He usually disobeys his brothers and daydreams. He also mentioned once he cannot live without seeing Kenny. He likes to daze around and run around the neighborhood with his brother by his side. His mother usually lets him go around, meeting new people, but mainly, he stays inside.

Fred refuses to clean up his room, which leads it look messy and have tonnes of piles of trash stacked on each other. He also likes messing in other rooms and mess around it.

Powers And Abilities


He has enhanced jumping and enhanced speed. He is able to slip out easily from grab or sight and fools around until sometimes leads people to low concentration.

He also motivates people to do things wants he starts and he is really good and tricking or lying his way out of problems.



His shell is as soft as an egg. He is easily defeated by sneak attacks or quick movements.

He mainly gets himself yelled at after causing mayhem or dazing off his works. His whole body is vulnerable to almost everything

List of Appearances


All episodes in Crackin' Up.



  • Fred is almost unable to get defeated as he is mainly vulnerable to sneak attacks 
  • He also has main character immunity, even though he is an egg and should be vulnerable to any attack.

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