Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pop Quiz Friday

Marshall IV: "Again, greetings Earthlings. Me and Grant have decided to give you a harder country, unlike the previous one. I think you figured it out already. So, again, we will be giving you hints and you have to figure out the rest, got it?"
Grant V: "Yeah, yeah! Let's go!"

Marshall IV: "Hint one is, this country's official language is claimed to be Mandarin. To find the flag, you have to scroll below."

Grant V: "Your second hint is that the president for the country is named Ma Ying-jeou and the premier is Chang San-cheng. (the premier hint is conjoined to this hint)."

Marshall IV: "Your third hint is that the cars steering-wheel is on the right-side!"

Grant V: "Your fourth conjoined hint is that the flag and national emblem looks like the image below!"

Marshall IV: "As for a challenge, this Pop Quiz will only be giving you 4 hints, just for fun! Do not get us "lazy" or "selfish to share your knowledge" okay? It is just to test your Earthling minds."

Grant V: "So, me and my cousin hopes that you Earthlings can understand what magnificent country is this. (whispers) Marshall cannot here this right? Last hint, Japan and China is around here!"

Marshall IV: "Okay, so again, farewell kingdom and Earthlings."
Grant V: This is Grant V and Marshall IV signing out!

Peace y'all!

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