Monday, July 11, 2016

Vocabulary Memory: Esteem; noun

noun: esteem
  1. 1.
    respect and admiration, typically for a person.
    "he was held in high esteem by colleagues"
verb: esteem; 3rd person present: esteems; past tense: esteemed; past participle: esteemed; gerund or present participle: esteeming
  1. 1.
    respect and admire.
    "many of these qualities are esteemed by managers"
    • formal
      consider; deem.
      "I should esteem it a favor if you could speak to them"
Middle English (as a noun in the sense ‘worth, reputation’): from Old French estime (noun), estimer (verb), from Latin aestimare ‘to estimate.’ The verb was originally in the Latin sense, also ‘appraise’ (compare with estimate), used figuratively to mean ‘assess the merit of.’ Current senses date from the 16th century.
Translate esteem to
Use over time for: esteem

Monday, June 27, 2016

One of the Hardest Internet Challenge: What Do You See?

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. An image found on the internet of a drawing has gone viral! Before we tell you what is the image actually is, take a stare at it. You will eventually find what is going on."
Grant V: "Man, Earthling drawings are so hard to identify!" IV: "Okay, okay. I can guess what you're doing. You are probably going to ponder on this image for hours and hours to come. GRANT!"

(sees Grant drooling while staring to this image. He faints)

Marshall IV: "Oh brother. Okay, this is an internet illusion that I figured out in 10 minutes. Grant will tell you a popular answer of it below. Also, be warned. Spoiler alert! Below! So go ahead and daze on this first before being revealed. Those who already figured it out, tell us in the speeches (comments)."

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Vocabulary Memory: Qualm; Noun

noun: qualm; plural noun: qualms
  1. an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear, especially about one's own conduct; a misgiving.
    "military regimes generally have no qualms about controlling the press"
    synonyms:misgivings, doubts, reservations, second thoughts, worries, concerns, anxiety; More
    scruples, remorse, compunction
    "I have no qualms about overseas travel"
    • a momentary faint or sick feeling.
early 16th century (in the sense ‘momentary sick feeling’): perhaps related to Old English cw(e)alm ‘pain,’ of Germanic origin.
Translate qualm to
Use over time for: qualm

Pop Quiz Wednesday

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. Today, Grant and I got some different kind of pop quiz. It is no country, neither is it a singer, na-ah voice actors, it is a province."

Grant V: "I still am trying to figure out your level of intelligence! So let's get down to it!"

Marshall IV: "Now this, my fellow Earthlings, is a province. Let's get to our first hint!"

Grant V: "Hint number one, it is in Asia, a country's province."

Marshall IV: "Two, it borders Cambodia and Vietnam (the rest of the borders are not getting told)."

Grant V: "Number three, the towns are below."

Marshall IV: "Number four, it is located in the center of the country."

Grant V: "And number five, is gone. We want to make it a little tricky for you guys. We are not even going to tell you where is it from (the

Friday, June 10, 2016

All That Glitters

"All That Glitters" is a life-year-passing-age series shown from the perspective of Rebecca, as she lives her years to find a missing member of her family but soon discovers a whole lot more.

Rebecca lives in a planet called Flaych. Her family mainly does love her, she never realized it and always think that she is talking to strangers. Only the friends she met is her family.

Vocabulary Memory: Xylem; noun

noun Botany
noun: xylem
  1. the vascular tissue in plants that conducts water and dissolved nutrients upward from the root and also helps to form the woody element in the stem.
late 19th century: from Greek xulon ‘wood’ + the passive suffix -ēma .
Translate xylem to
Use over time for: xylem

How to Rename Your Blog

Marshall IV: "Greetings, me and my cousin is going to tell you how to rename your blog. Such as this one but, we're happy."
Grant V: "Prepare to get a mind blowing experience!"
Marshall IV: "Grant... Oh well, let's begin! For reference, look at the images and the captions."

Step 1: Open up blogger

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Teddy Bear - Crackin' Up

Teddy Bear, or Ted, is one of the minor protagonist of Crackin' Up. He debuted in the episode Water Apple Fiesta.

Ted lives with his brother Jack-In-The-Box and sometimes visits his auntie Pretty Bear and his uncle, Hoo-Wah Jones.

Ted sometimes visits his neighbors, such as Fred and Kenny nearby and Phil.


Ted is a roundish square with a brown color scheme.

Every motion action that Ted does leaves a splodge.

Fred - Crackin' Up

Fred is the main protagonist in Crackin' Up. He lives with his brother, his mother and his grandpa.

Fred is the bigger brother of Kenny, his brother. They live in a place called Vitamin ABC. It is often for Fred to visit his neighbors, such as Teddy Bear and Jack-In-The-Box or Willie and Mack.



Fred is an egg-shaped base body with black four-fingered hands and two black legs.

He has black eyes and his egg shell is his skin, which can be cracked.



Fred is sometimes lazy and stubborn to study, but more initiative then his brother. He is more polite

He'Nil - 8700 Years

He'Nil is a protagonist in 8700 Years. The creator of him is claimed Fire-Corocster (a.k.a Reinalds).

He'Nil has been serving Reinalds for over 300 years. He is currently 310 years created.

He lives in the planet Gyuenike, and is indeed bilingual. He was created in Dro Hinkins.




He'Nil has a rusted green circle-based body with four spider-like legs with bolts in between. His lifespan is 001-280.

On his back has a long black stripe with a stitched and ripped tissues two hold his bolts firmly.

Monday, May 2, 2016

8700 Years: The Bad Sides of Being Tech Savvy: Part 1 - Marshall IV

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. There is something going on the world which is hot on news. It is a comic of 8700 Years created by Fatihah Yasmin Abdullah."

"(turns on a chair) That is why, I, created this post, to tell you about my comic and what you think of it. Each of us will be sending comics to The World, including Ashley Winston and Grant V. Luckily I locked him in the basement. To view the comic, look below! Note, this is just part one..."

8700 Years: The Bad Sides of Being Tech Savvy: Part 1

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pop Quiz Friday

Marshall IV: "Again, greetings Earthlings. Me and Grant have decided to give you a harder country, unlike the previous one. I think you figured it out already. So, again, we will be giving you hints and you have to figure out the rest, got it?"
Grant V: "Yeah, yeah! Let's go!"

Marshall IV: "Hint one is, this country's official language is claimed to be Mandarin. To find the flag, you have to scroll below."

Grant V: "Your second hint is that the president for the country is named Ma Ying-jeou and the premier is Chang San-cheng. (the premier hint is conjoined to this hint)."

Marshall IV: "Your third hint is that the cars steering-wheel is on the right-side!"

Grant V: "Your fourth conjoined hint is that the flag and national emblem looks like the image below!"

Marshall IV: "As for a challenge, this Pop Quiz will only be giving you 4 hints, just for fun! Do not get us "lazy" or "selfish to share your knowledge" okay? It is just to test your Earthling minds."

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Two earthquakes strikes Japan

JAPAN, TOKYO: An even more powerful earthquake had occurred in the southern of Japan early on Saturday, at least striking 10 people and killing them dead. It made a massive destruction when it toppled buildings into a rubble and launched a horrible tumble of a landslide, which left nine dead.

The people trembled in fear when they were caught up in the quake throughout the night of the southwestern area Kyushu, which had made a wreck of destruction which happened in a region which lately scored a deadly and massive Thursday earthquake.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Foodie Wonderland: Chocolate Chip

Marshall IV: "Greetings to all of you Earthlings, and for now we will be talking about Chocolate chips ONLY, and not chocolate chip cookies."
Grant V: "So let us get too it!"

Marshall IV: "Chocolate chips are actually small chunks of tiny broken chocolate formed into a small flat teardrop-like shaped food. Back to you Ashley." Well thank you, Marshall.

Usually chocolate chips are sold in various amounts of sizes such as largest into the most miniature sizes, but are normally sized until a centimeter in diameters.

A more variety version of chocolate chip are squarely-chunked shapes, which are normally used for baking cakes and cookies.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Pop Quiz Saturday

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. Today, we are having a Pop Quiz on Saturday! I discussed it with Grant, but he will be more iconic with a hat. The image given will have none."
Grant V: "And I wanna see who can guess it!"
Marshall IV: "Let us make a move on, shall we."

Marshall IV: "Your first hint shall be that this man is a singer which won and was nominated for many awards."
Grant V: "Your second hint is that his birthday is on June 23rd 1977."
Marshall IV: "Your third hint is that he has sold over seven million albums!"
Grant V: "Your fourth hint is that he was engaged with Tristan Prettyman, his close friend..."

Foodie Wonderland: Gumdrop

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings! Today we will be talking about this sugar bits of candy. The Earthlings calls it "Gumdrops" and I don't like it!"
Grant V: "I like it."
Marshall IV: "It does not matter! It is just a straight rip off of gumballs!"
Grant V: "Though, gumdrops are more sugary! Gumballs are just circles full of sugar!"
Marshall IV: "Anyways, Ashley will be telling you about it later. Let us get going!"

Now, gumdrops come in (normally artificial) fruits, colors along with spices varieties, another name is called "spice drops" for the flavoring.

Spice drops, the gum drops along with the other types of varieties are normally used for baking material, candy baking crafts, decoration and to eat barely with a hand.

They are regularly used for decorating the deserts such as cakes and cupcakes.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Foodie Wonderland: Marshmallow

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. Back to me and my interminable cousin, we are going to Earth's goodies and we found a squishy sugar."

Grant V: "I tasted it roasted before. I also see it getting roasted before! They normally eat these things in camps, on a stick. They roast atop their campfires!"

Colorful Marshmallows
Marshall IV: "Yes, yes. Earthlings call this treat a "marshmallow", which too me is not good for my teeth since I use a toothpick every time I finish wholly consuming one of those things. Let us review the "marshmallow" below."

Marshall IV: "Now these are the impediments which I had stuck  upon my teeth! They are so colorful and fluffy!"

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Popular comedian Mr Os, 55, dies

KUALA LUMPUR: 55-year-old comedian Mohd Yusof Abdul Hamid died on Friday after suffering a lung cancer at Selayang Hospital at 2:45pm on Friday.

Mohd Yusof Abdul Hamid, well-known as Mr Os, was sent to the hospital due to him suffering his breathing complications

He was born in Kuala Kangsar in Perak, the actor started to rise to fame of his career when he started acting in the comedy series, Balik

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Pop Quiz Friday

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings! Grant V returned four days ago, but we fell sick, so we did not informed you Earthlings."

"Anyways, I wanted to tell you guys that you are just in time to catch a pop quiz! Today, it will beginning on Friday (today), so let's do it! Scroll below for more!"

"Now this is an American voice actor, 53-years-old. (31 August 1962) He did many well-known voices such as in Gravity Falls, Ben 10: Omniverse, Codename: Kids Next Door, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, 7D etc."

Grant V: "He also did some live-action voicing in series such as Legends of the Hidden Temple along with Shop til' You Drop, and video games such as Gears of War, Spore, Halo and Viewtiful.Joe."

Marshall IV: "This is a hard one, so can anyone of you tell me who this guy is?"

Grant V: "Marshall, be patient, let us just see who is the smartest Earthling who can come here."

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. (rubs nose) Today I feel a little stronger and Grant want to have a vacation. Do you know where is he going? LEGOLAND® Deutschland. Go lower (coughs) to hear me call him on my Samsung Galaxy 7."

(phone rings) Bring, Ring.
Grant V: "Hello? Who is this?"
Marshall IV: "Grant, it's me. Your cousin Marshall. How is your journey to Legoland?"
Grant V: "Aw, pretty good bruh, thanks for coming by you know. Sometimes I may feel lonely."
Marshall IV: "(laughs) Don't worry V, you are never to lonely. We will pick you up sometimes."
Grant V: "Oh, thanks dude."
Marshall IV: "So, how (coughs) long are you going to be at Legoland?"
Grant V: "The air is so fresh here, I wanna stay here for three days."
Marshall IV: "Three days? Are you kidding me man? Oh well. Have a good stay."
Grant V: "Take care of The World when I'm gone, would ya?"
Marshall IV: "I will, buddy. I will. Marshall IV, over and out! So, I will be taking over in three days, which is a good thing. I cannot wait to see the look on his face once he comes back! Back to you Ashley!" Well, thank you Marshall V, I-I (Marshall gets angry) mean, Marshall IV. (sweats) Uh-oh.

Legoland, the trademark called LEGOLAND®, is located in many places such as Malaysia, California, Deutschland, Germany, Europe etc. For the logo, scroll down.

This is the logo for Legoland Windsor. The original place Legoland was created in. To know more of the notices in Legoland, please check below.


  • Those who are aged 3 and below are freely welcomed to Legoland Malaysia Resort except for Water Park, as you will be charged RM11. However, you need evidence/proof for your child for confirmation of the age
  • Some of the charges may contain reasons as if they are for special events
  • At least one adult which will be accompanying the child can purchase the child's ticket online
  •  The open dated tickets however can only be used within 6 months
  • If you are purchasing tickets online, note that it is invalid to use discount vouchers, promotions and offers
  • The entry of the park is subjected only to the park opening calendar
  • Only one entry is allowed to the day tickets, but multible is available for the Annual Passes
  • The prices mentioned includes 6% GST;
Prices & Tickets

  • Combo Adult (Theme Park & Water Park)                    RM225  RM180
  • Combo Child/Senior (Theme Park & Water Park) RM180  RM144
  • Theme Park - Adult                                                 RM180 RM144
  • Theme Park - Child/Senior                                      RM145 RM116

Marshall IV: "And last, that is all we have for you today, folks! Farewell Earthlings! This is Marshall IV and Ashley Winston over and out!"

Peace y'all!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Pop Quiz Sunday

Marshall IV: "(cough, cough) I am pretty (sneezes) sick today so allow my brother (rubs nose) Grant V to talk to you today."

Grant V: "Me? (Marshall IV sleeps) I will take that as a "yes". WOO-HOO!"

Grant V: "Pop quiz! Pop quiz! you made it to Sunday pop quizzes! Now, here is the question, who is the name of this guy?"

"He is a singer, and has a four member group (use to have five but one had left for two years. Tell me the name one you had figured out the result, okay?"

Marshall IV: "What are you doing?"
Grant V: "You are sick, right? So I am taking over!"
Marshall IV: "It does not seem to be (cough, cough) correct. Hey, I know this guy! Why did you gave the easiest dude?! You should get a harder person!
Grant V: "This is the only guy I know!"
Marshall IV: "This spot is so cramp! Why is the image extremely big! And by the way, do you not know about Taylor Swift?!"
Grant V: "I know her! I know her face is super iconic! The blonde hair, long fringe and all. So this guy is less iconic! Get out of my life!"
(Grant V knocks him out and wears a cosplay of Marshall IV)

Do not try this at home, to your relatives, siblings, parents, grandparent, great grandparents, etc. Message from The World Industry

Marshall IV (a.k.a Grant V): "Sorry about that. Anyways, had any of you found out what is the name of this guy? Whoever finds out is the winner!"

Easter (Pasch/ Resurrection Sunday)

Grant V: "Greetings Earthlings! Marshall, my cousin is not feeling so well today, so I will be taking over! Today, had you notice that it is Easter? Let us elaborate it!"

"People hide Easter eggs for other people to find, and they come in variety of patterns and colors. Happy Easter. Back to you Ashley." Okay...

Anyways, on Easter, there are Easter bunnies and normally some chocolate bunnies.

Now this occasion is a festival/holiday also described as the New Testament.

This is also the day when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, from the dead. This is also an occasion when people hide Easter eggs for kids to find. To find out when is Easter's dates, go below!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Foodie Wonderland: Ice Cream

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. I your host, Marshall IV and my long forgotten ancestor Grant V today is going to talk about a topic regarding ice cream. Put on your bibs and napkins and let's get started!"

Grant V: "These are some of the flavors in ice cream. Ashley will later be talking about the flavors afterwards. Now, in the comments below, you can tell us what kind of flavors you experience before."

Marshall IV: "A popular selection for ice cream is vanilla chocolate and strawberry, mostly the three common flavors found in ice cream containers. Back to you, Ashley." Thank you, Marshall.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Foodie Wonderland: Durian

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. Back to me and my ancestor, Grant V, today we are travelling beyond countries and exploring about the king of the fruits. Look at the image below."


"King of the... fruits? Do any one of you know what it is? Ah yes, the durian. Most common in the place we like to call, Malaysia. Had anyone of you Earthlings ever tasted the mouth watering flavor of this delicious fruit? It may taste quite bad too some of you guys, so if that happens, you can buy the dark orange colored. Back to you, Ashley." Thank you, Marshall.

Now, there are many type of this scrumptious fruit, which you guys must think they are extraordinary shapes. Look at the types of durians below.

Pop Quiz Thursday

Greetings, Earthlings. Back to us, Marshall IV and Grant V, taking your brain's conscious in The World. Who knew that today would be the event Pop Quiz Thursday? And I sure hope that you Earthlings are up for a quiz! Put on your thinking caps and let us get started!

 This country has 14 states. The capital city of it is Kuala Lumpur. To know what are the names of the states, read the list below.

This country's national anthem is called Negaraku. It's independence day was on 31 August 1957.

Introducing you to The World

Marshall IV: "Greetings Earthlings. My name is Marshall IV and my interminable unmemorable ancestor, Grant V. Kneel before your higher intellects as we are aliens. Our narrator is named Ashley Winston. We are from one of the coldest planets in your solar system, Neptune.

The World is for you to figure out the countries, the states/provinces, the towns, areas, news and loads more. Sounds like a blast, correct? Below is the list of events:

Pop Quiz Week: Pop Quiz Week is the day in a random day of the week where you have to figure out what type of country is that. Clues will be given, and it will be extremely exciting. You have to tell your answers in the comments below. You can receive three quizzes!

Revision Occasion: Every time it is a special occasion such as Halloween or Christmas, we will give a banner with a new look every single year. We will also revise on what is it about and burst out with comments of what we think about it.

Foodie Wonderland: All around the world, the are variety of dishes. It will tell the place it is populated in and created in.

Vacation Time!: This event is the perfect way for you to take your loved ones, friends and relatives as we are going to tell you where is the most popular places in some places.

Tutorial Listen Close-Ial: Are we trying to make it rhyme? Yes, yes we are. You will learn how to do some stuff.

Fictional Galaxy: Learn loads new characters produced by The World.

Vocabulary Memory: Learn new vocabulary, and definitions, origins and the Latin history.

Sounds like loads of fun, am I right? So let us start our journey, mate!

Marshall IV: "Well that is all you need to know about us today. Farewell Earthlings." 
Grant V: "Marshall and Grant, over and out!

Peace y'all!